Competence, the ability to carry out a task or job, is easily recognised and its absence is even more easily spotted.
International companies such as:
- Merck
- Boeing
- Citicorp
- Siemens
- Kellog
- Nestle
- Lockheed Martin
They all use Competence and Competencies to measure their people and their performance. It also works for smaller organisations, for all companies looking to make the highest impact at the lowest cost.
Benefits of Competencies:
- Job Evaluation
- Reward Management
- Business Growth
- Measurement of Performance
- Recruiting and Selection
- Career Planning
You Need:
- Expertise in Job Function Deconstruction (JFD) to drive your project
- Experienced designers with an operational background
- Culturally- sensitive professionals with strong focusing skills
- Experienced negotiators to ensure buy-in
- Access to a wide range of examples
Our Role:
ABI can supply individual frameworks or job family profiles, and they have a huge database of behavioural indicators to call upon. ABI have the expertise to ensure you own the competencies you need to ensure Business Excellence, and an improved bottom-line
“You can teach a turkey to climb a tree, but it is easier to start with a squirrel”