Leaders & Teams
Leadership requires special talents and skills. It must be recognised and it must be practiced.
The foremost thinkers of the world cannot agree on one definition of leadership but most agree that it changes to fit the situation. So, you must prepare for the situation by giving your current and future leaders the tools they need. And the confidence to use them.
The Group As a Team
Putting a few individuals in a project and calling them a team is pointless, no matter how good they are as individuals. Without the tools to learn and operate as a team, your project will fail, if only because it fails to achieve its full potential.
Benefits of Leadership and Team Work:
- Improved personal and financial results
- Dynamic work environments
- Increased morale, motivation and staff retention
- Implementation of higher – quality solutions, faster
- Personal growth and corporate growth
Your Needs:
- Practical leadership experience
- Proven leaders and facilitators
- Valid experiential learning techniques
- Objective feedback and guidance
Our Role:
All of our senior partners are leaders with international experience who have been involved in everything from four-person specialist teams to six-figure multinational organisations. All are trained and experienced in presenting real leadership development and team working skills.
Using a mixture of experiential work, case studies and modern mentoring techniques, ABI can show your people how to lead your organisation into a bright future.
“The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant”
Max De Pree